Know Your Rights Presentation
with Alba Jaramillo, Esq.
from Immigration Law and Justice
Feb. 6th at 7pm
Due to the overwhelming response to Monday's Know Your Rights information session, we are hosting a second Know Your Rights presentation on Thursday, February 6 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm.
We will hear from Alba Jaramillo, an immigration lawyer and the co-Executive Director of Immigration Law and Justice National Network. She will cover how churches and faith leaders can respond to the moment to help keep our immigrant communities safe, especially noting that sensitive locations are no longer respected by the federal government. There will be a short time for questions and answers.
This webinar will not be recorded or live-streamed, and attendance is by Registration only.
Registration link:
Please invite your church leaders and clergy colleagues to join us. Let us be in prayer for one another as we face these new and unsettling times. We are Stronger Together.
More on our presenter:
Alba Jaramillo is an immigrant from Mexico, who grew up undocumented in the United States. Her experience as an immigrant living in the border influenced her in life’s work in immigrant rights. Alba holds a Juris Doctor from the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University and Bachelor of Arts in theatre arts and anthropology from the University of Arizona. She is a local and national leader in the areas of immigration, human rights, and the arts. Her activism and immigration commentary has been featured in the New York Times, Washing Post, CBS National, and NBC National.
She is the Co-Executive Director of Immigration Law & Justice Network (formerly National Justice For Our Neighbors) of 18 independent immigration legal service organizations. She is the first migrant and woman of color to ever serve in this role. Alba is also a steering committee member of the Southern Border Communities Coalition, a network of 100 border advocacy organizations that mobilize for immigration justice. Alba founded Teatro Dignidad. Through theatre arts she uplifts the voices of immigrant communities and calls for justice and policy reform.